Why an End of Life Mentor for you as a learner?
What a mentor can help you with:
1. Help you work through any blocks that may come up as you proceed through the modules.
2. Help you brainstorm and create a personal death plan – part of the requirements of this training.
3. Be a sounding board for your ideas and questions about end of life issues.
4. Coach, guide, and talk you through any emotional blocks or fears that might come up for you during your training.
5. Help you create a sacred, safe, protected, and peaceful space for you to study in.
6. Provide you with encouragement and share experiences about their work with healing touch, visualizations, meditations, breath work, or energy work they used with individuals and families.
British Columbia
Contact: kracich@gmail.com
Website: currently under construction
Contact: jc@crystalclearcounselling.ca
Website: www.crystalclearcounselling.ca
Contact: letschat1to1@gmail.com
Website: www.wholeheartcounselling.com
Contact: info@lisamueller.net
Website: www.allnationsconsultingcoaching.ca
Contact: deannenewkirk@hotmail.com
Phone: (403) 585-2601
Contact: meina@bodybalancebymeina.com
Website: www.bodybalancebymeina.com