Deanne Newkirk

Deanne Newkirk

Deanne Newkirk lives in Calgary, Alberta. She is passionate about her role as a mother and wife and continues to learn ways to help improve the health and vitality of her family and community. She met Stephen Garrett when her mother was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer in December 2012. Following her mother's death in July 2013, she continued to study under Stephen and completed his End of Life Guide training. She shares Stephen's desire to make changes towards a more positive and open approach towards dying and death.

Deanne has also studied under Zen Master Nissim Amon for Trilotherapy, Dr. Richard Jelusich for Spiritual Healer's Training, and Dana DeLong and Ashanna Solaris for Clarity Breathwork. The Trilotherapy methods help one to understand the language of the head, heart and our centre and an alternate approach to maneuvre life's challenges. The Spiritual Healer's Training provides a compimentary tool to heal through the chakras (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical). Clarity Breathwork assists with letting go of emotional burden and prior trauma to reach a place of greater peace and understanding.

While Deanne's mother was dying, she employed what she had learned, guided by her instincts and intuition. It never prevented her mother from dying, but it helped to make the journey smoother and bearable for herself, her mother and her family. Since this time, she has continued to share her learnings with family and friends as invited and needed.

Deanne has some experience facilitating groups and exercises such as guided meditations, heart opening exercises and circle talks which enables participants to explore matters of the heart in a safe, non-judgmental environment allowing everyone’s truth to be heard. She welcomes the opportunity to assist future students or those facing dying and death.
