Heather Persall

Heather PersallI received a Diploma of Applied Psychology and Counselling in 2013, from the Kelowna College of Professional Counselling, an accredited training facility in British Columbia, Canada. As well I am a proud member in good standing of the Canadian Professional Counsellor's Association. This organization requires that I conduct my business practices according to the professional standards of competency strictly upheld by the CPCA. For more information about this organization, please go to www.cpca-rpc.ca. In addition I also am a member in good standing with the Canadian College of Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists, the CCPCP who in conjunction with the CPCA designate the strict standards to which I adhere. Their website is www.ccpcp.ca.

Other courses that I have taken and am certified in are

E.F.T. Emotional Freedom Techniques

1st Degree Reiki

Holistic Practitioner

E.O.L. End Of Life Guide

Guided Meditation/Relaxation Therapy


Therapies I practice are….

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Emotional Core Therapy

Person Centered Counselling

Solution Focused Counselling


Contact: letschat1to1@gmail.com