As the baby boomers continue to age our hospice agencies will be experiencing even heavier demands for their existing services and will also experience demands for more extensive service such as end of life planning.
If your hospice is looking to expand its current training programs and to increase its revenue End of Life Training is committed to working with you to create new and important workshops tailored-made to suit your agency and community.
Below are four workshops that can be offered through your hospice organization and can be taught to your training staff so they can begin leading these training in your community. Stephen would be happy to work with you personally and tailor-make these workshop.
Changing Our Relationship with Death
This weekend workshop will help transform your relationship with one of our cultures most taboo yet important life events – death.
Friday Evening you will learn about a different approach to death – a disrobing of the Grim Reaper – allowing you to appreciate the fullness death brings to all of us who survive the loss of a loved one.
Saturday will be a day of communication skills and practices. You will learn to have those difficult yet important conversations with family, doctors and the medical system. You will learn about the important aspects of end of life planning by beginning the preparation of your own ‘death binder’. The day will combine mini lectures with ample time for practice and role-plays.
Sunday will feature self-care practices - rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. You will learn how to take great care of yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You will also learn how to recognize when others need to practice great self-care and how to support them. You will learn the basics of using essential oils to support both the one dying and those giving care.
Over the weekend you will:
- Acquire the skills necessary to confidently conduct supportive conversations with the one dying and their family.
- Learn how to prepare yourself and your family for your own ultimate passing and thus be able to support patients in doing the same.
- Learn and practice techniques design to keep you healthy and clear spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
- Learn and practice the use of essential oils as a self-care tool.
Compassionate, Caring, Conversations
Learning how to have those Difficult Talks
When confronted with the results of a patient’s test(s) and the news is a terminal illness, many of us in the health care field feel an immediate gulp in our throats. What do I say? How do I handle the emotions? How much do I tell my patient? How much time do I spend at the bedside or in a meeting room? How do I manage the family dynamics? Which family member do I talk to? All of them?
Many of us simply haven’t the practice or the communication training to begin these conversations so we do our level best to be brief, professional, and move the patient and family along to the next appropriate care team.
Whether a doctor, nurse, healthcare worker, or hospice staff/volunteer, learning how to manage these challenging talks is not only important for your patients it is important for your own professional self care and the effective functioning of your entire care team.
During this two-day training YOU will:
- Acquire the skills necessary to confidently conduct supportive conversations with the one dying and their family.
- Learn to have more direct and effective conversations with team members and other service organizations.
- Learn how to prepare yourself and your family for your own ultimate passing and thus be able to support patients in doing the same.
- Learn some self care techniques and practices.
Hands-On, Practices, and Plans
Getting Ready to help when Death is Present
When death is present we often feel the urge to help and support the one dying but don’t know how. The practical and hands on two-day workshop will provide with the skills and tools to support the one dying and the family supporting them.
We will provide simple, practical training that will help you support everyone involved in the dying process physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually using breathe, hands, essential oils, and planning techniques. This will be an experiential workshop with minimal lectures and lots of hands-on practice and experiences.
At the end of the workshop you will feel totally able to support folks using multiple of techniques to support their graceful passing. The tools and techniques you will learn will deeply support mind, body and soul of all involved in the death.
During this two-day training YOU will:
- Learn breathing practices to support you, the one dying, and their caregivers.
- Learn and practice the use of touch, basic massage and healing energy.
- Learn and practice the use of essential oils.
- Learn the basic paperwork required for well planned dying and death.
Rest, Relaxation, and Rejuvenation
Self-care for Care Givers
Oftentimes we caregivers are so attentive to our patients we forget to take great care of ourselves. As a result we become fatigued emotional, spiritually, mentally and physically with the result being we feel burned out on many levels. Our failure to take great self-care usually results in our becoming resentful, and somewhat robotic at work. Our family life and relationships also suffer under the weight of our fatigue.
Sometimes this fatigue has us leave the very career we fell in love with!
Whether you are a doctor, nurse, hospice worker, healthcare worker, or family member you will benefit by taking this important and deeply helpful two-day training program – a program designed to provide you with the self-care tools necessary to have you stay in love with your job while caring for others without burning out.
During this two-day training YOU will:
- Learn the early warning sign of burnout.
- Learn and practice techniques design to keep you healthy and clear spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
- Learn and practice the use of essential oils as a self-care tool.
- Learn how to recognize burnout in others.